Mulago National Referral Hospital (MNRH) is located in Kawempe North Division of Kampala the Capital City of Uganda. Founded in 1913 as a center for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, MNRH has grown to become a “Brand” for tertiary healthcare in Uganda.
In 1962 Queen Elizabeth the first donated the Lower Mulago infrastructure of storied block to the government Uganda and that led to tremendous growth in bed capacity of the hospital. Currently the bed capacity of Lower Mulago is 900 and Upper Mulago 700 and this makes MNRH the largest in Uganda.
We offer Pediatric, Surgery and Internal Medicine services with all their subspecialities. The diagnostic services include Radiology, Clinical Laboratory, Pathology and Nuclear Medicine.
Our emergency services include Acute Care Unit for Pediatrics, Accident & Emergency (commonly known as Causality) for surgical cases and Medical Emergency Unit for adults and these are operational 24/7. We also run wide range of specialized clinics on designated days which you can find out from this website. However, there are medical clinics for both children and adults located at Assessment Center where walk in patients are attended to during regular working hours.