The Bight of Benin Restaurant is the premier destination in Kampala for delicious West African food. It is a child-friendly space, offering an expansive lawn and a playground. We have high chairs to seat your little ones close to you at the dining tables.
Our restaurant takes its name from the coastline curve of West Africa called the Bight of Benin, situated within the broader Gulf of Guinea. Our intent is to provide samplings of the rich cuisine and culture coming from and common to the West African countries around the Bight – stretching from Cameroon to Cote d’Ivoire and beyond. We invite you to West Africa! Savour flavours from the Sahel, exotic dishes from the Savanna, hearty meals from the Tropical Rainforests and culinary delights and tastes from the Mangroves of the coast.
Your meal experience at the Bight of Benin can be enjoyed in different settings: in the serene fine dining area you can choose the cosy indoors or the airy covered veranda. In the impressive grass thatched Gazebo with its comfortable seats, the tempo picks up a bit with our fresh Bar, background music and TV screens. You could also choose to sit alone, as a couple or in small or large groups in our lovely garden. We have ample secure parking within our grounds and can host functions.
The Bight of Benin Restaurant will go beyond food and cuisine, to showcase the rich historical and modern cultures of West Africa in the lovely ambience of our restaurant buildings and grounds.
We welcome you to lunch, dine, wine and unwind and as you enjoy each mouthful, enjoy the ambience and truly warm West African hospitality!
Sannu da zuwa! Akwaaba! Ekaabo!
Milawoe zo!
Soyez le Bienvenu! Nnoo!

The Bight of Benin Restaurant is the premier destination in Kampala for delicious West African food. It is a child-friendly space, offering an expansive lawn and a playground. We have high chairs to seat your little ones close to you at the dining tables.
Our restaurant takes its name from the coastline curve of West Africa called the Bight of Benin, situated within the broader Gulf of Guinea. Our intent is to provide samplings of the rich cuisine and culture coming from and common to the West African countries around the Bight – stretching from Cameroon to Cote d’Ivoire and beyond. We invite you to West Africa! Savour flavours from the Sahel, exotic dishes from the Savanna, hearty meals from the Tropical Rainforests and culinary delights and tastes from the Mangroves of the coast.
Your meal experience at the Bight of Benin can be enjoyed in different settings: in the serene fine dining area you can choose the cosy indoors or the airy covered veranda. In the impressive grass thatched Gazebo with its comfortable seats, the tempo picks up a bit with our fresh Bar, background music and TV screens. You could also choose to sit alone, as a couple or in small or large groups in our lovely garden. We have ample secure parking within our grounds and can host functions.
The Bight of Benin Restaurant will go beyond food and cuisine, to showcase the rich historical and modern cultures of West Africa in the lovely ambience of our restaurant buildings and grounds.
We welcome you to lunch, dine, wine and unwind and as you enjoy each mouthful, enjoy the ambience and truly warm West African hospitality!