Equator Snow Geo Lodge


  • Equator Snow Lodge

Geo Lodges will take you further and higher in your quest for the ultimate African adventure. Perfectly situated at the gateway to the Rwenzori Mountains, where the road ends and the mountain begins, you will Equator Snow Lodge.

For the first time, there is a luxurious lodge accommodation at the foothills of Rwenzori Mountains, built parallel to the Mubuku River and surrounded by the exceptional eco-system that the Rwenzori Mountains are famous for.

Equator Snow is a sensational destination for the experienced mountaineer, the casual trekker or the ordinary traveler. Working in close collaboration with the Raboni Community and Rwenzori Mountaineering Services, a selection of mountaineering activities can be organized from Equator Snow Lodge ranging from guided mountain walks with low endurance hikes, to climbing the mountain peaks for the technically more competent. You may choose just to rest and relax at Equator Snow Lodge with its Spacious Mountain cabins, and wooden decks, it is designed for comfort and relaxation.

The Rwenzori Mountains have been declared a World heritage Site. Accordingly, the public restaurant, lounge and areas are designed around the history of the Rwenzori Mountains, with displays of significant historical illustrations.

Come and experience the legend that has surrounded the Mountains of the Moon, as they were named by Greek historians more than two thousand years ago.

About : Equator Snow Geo Lodge

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